So I decided in the end to go with the Texas Method. For the moment, more or less 'straight', but that will probably change. The main reason was that the weights are getting too heavy for my inconsistency; having to reset or struggle through a couple of weeks if I miss a week is just too hard - and much, much slower than the starting strength linear progression is meant to be anyway.
Doing TM, it feels easier (over this period at least) to be more consistent and if I do miss a day here or there, there are more variables to manipulate (and, of course, potentially fuck up) to keep moving on. Obviously that's to be avoided as much as possible, but... well, it doesn't take much reading back through this log to note what my training can be like...
S: 2x5x105
B: 3x5x67.5
Back Extensions (Hypers): 3x10
Should've done chins too, but ran out of time. And the back extensions are unusual enough for my body that a more gentle introduction to 'accessory' work is probably not a bad idea... not meant to be sore or tired after the light day, after all...
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