18 January 2013


A day of... not quite. But in a good way.

TM Intensity, trying to get back just to expressing the strength that I have, in preparation for actually increasing it. Couldn't find my 1.25kg plates, so squat and deadlift were 2.5kg higher than planned. Got 4 reps on the squat, but the 4th was so ugly it didn't feel safe to do a 5th, so reracked. On to bench, worked up to 90, hoping for a double, but could just manage the one - and that, rather ugly and uneven. So forward to deads, and made it through, though it was a set of 3 and two singles, rather than a set of 5. No problems. In a run of good workouts, this would be disappointing; as a culmination of working back to where I should have been if I'd not been sick/injured/overly Christmassed, I'm happy with that, sets the stage for a good week.

S: 1x5x155
B: 1x1x90
DL: 1x3x165, 2x1x165

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