10 March 2012

Frenzal Rhomb

That is to say, short, sharp and furious! I've never been that quick in the gym - 30 minutes from walking in to leaving! Just squats, otherwise I would have had to wait until Monday anyway since I had no time. 145kg workset, rather abbreviated rest, staring in to a mirror robbing me of a stable reference point for my eyes because the powercage was being used. But they did all get up, and that's the main thing. It was a little harder to keep the chest up in a good line, but otherwise the lack of rest and the mirror affected me surprisingly little. Stats just for the giggles: including warmups, that was 3330kg squatted in half an hour.

On other matters, I've been thinking about how I'm approaching my training and what I'm doing in life. With Round 5 of the SSS cancelled, and no other track stuff on the radar for a few months, where do I go from here? Life is rather full otherwise - work, study, commuting is a different focus (even if it's exercise rather than training), kung fu for a couple of months? It's all crowding in rather.

So in amongst all of this complexity, I've elected to stop the personal coaching with Carl. As it happens, I made that decision before he announced that his charges were going up, but that would have given pause as it was - not because it's unreasonable, but because, well, I have no money. Such is as it is. But the reason for the decision was that I have no time to fit in 'extra' training/exercise, little flexibility for rearranging other elements of my life, and Carl has little time for working with people who can't commit to training.

I'll still be doing most of the same stuff, and I'll still train with the aboc crew at DISC and so on (though I probably still won't be able to do spin. One never knows though!) I'm still aiming to work on my sprinting and my strength, and to do so in a structured way. How well will that work? Well, I guess you know where to find out if you're interested!

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