11 October 2012

Five by

Back in the gym - it's amazing how quickly missing one session and then a taper turns in to two weeks off!

Anyway, decided to do 5x5 for the first time, at 80% of what would have been my squat workset, so I was lifting 105kg. And, I must say, it was easy. Okay, 105kgs is not heavy, but despite only taking 3-4 minutes at most between sets, I didn't experience much in the way of cumulative fatigue, which was nice. I suspect I might feel it a bit more tomorrow!

Of course, being me, I then got a bit carried away - did 5x5 on bench as well, except this time at 100% of the scheduled workset. Oh well, I actually think it mightn't be a bad idea to do a bit more volume work for bench and press anyway, see how my body reacts to it.

And then I did a full deadlift workset, which was nice. Actually, my form wasn't great - back kept rounding. Not a lot, but enough. Still, got 5 up at 150kg without many problems. Probably should just have stayed at 125, but oh well, can't be helped!

Oh, and Tuesday, got two PBs on the biggest hills on my commute (one each way) so that was nice. May have had something to do with not wearing a 5kg backpack.

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