13 December 2012


Today was the first time I've ever gone in to the gym with the specific intention of working up to 1RMs in the 'big three' lifts - squat, bench and deadlift. Partly this was because of the time out of the gym, and the lower weights on Monday, so as to feel heavier weights before returning to 3x5s next Monday. Partly it was because of racing on Sunday, to keep the volume lower. Though it now looks as though I might not be able to race anyway - family stuff, which is a bugger. And partly it was... well, just wanting to get some decent and specific PRs. Because sometimes, that's nice.

Squats I set my sights just above the 1RM of a few weeks ago. I thought about shooting for the 170 again, but decided to stick with 165 as the target, and to go for 170 if it felt really good. So I worked up to that, got the 165, but decided against attempting 170 - 165 had felt very heavy, but I didn't really grind or get stuck. Just a little bit. I thought though that 170 might take a bit too much out of me with deadlifts to follow, so I opted not to. If I was just doing squats, I would have done it, and I think I probably would have gotten it.

Bench I wasn't really sure - I figured probably 85, but I've not really done much benching lately, and mostly it's been 5x5 at lower weights. But I aimed for that, comfortable that it wouldn't be nearly so taxing to 'overextend' a little if I felt I could. And I did - 85 was fairly easy, and then 90 was slower, but still smooth. I was wondering whether or not to ask someone for a spot at 95, but there was noone around that I knew, and I wasn't too concerned about leaving one in the tank. Again, I think I could have got the 95, but not certain enough to try without a spotter.

So on to dead, and I was feeling pretty pleased with my efforts. After the last time I deadlifted, I wanted to make sure that I had better form and kept the back solid. I had the camera with me (which is also how I can be certain that my squats were deep!) and it told a disappointing story - back rounding, and not keeping the bar back against the legs. Obviously I knew this, but seeing it on video is not so pleasant! Just the same, I worked up to 180 and felt pretty good with it - I could have tried more, but my grip was failing on the last rep at 180, and I didn't think I'd lock it out. That, and my thumbs were feeling rather stripped and compressed! Going back to workset weights though, I'm really going to have to focus on keeping the bar back and the back tight, shoulders not too far forward. Hopefully I won't need to drop the weight back, but if I have to, I have to. Don't want to fuck around with that!

So a 'total' of 435kg, or 957 pounds - just a little shy of 1000 pounds. Nice to set a total, and something to aim for next time I give it a go - perhaps in the week before the February round of SSS. I reckon I'll get it that time!

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